Hier ist einer der 4 Tage dauerte (Dienstag frueh bis Freitag abend), von der 11. Klasse, naturwissenschaftlicher Zweig, der KKVS in KhonKaen.
Es ging von KKC nach UTH, von dort mit dem Flugzeug nach CNX und von dort mit ein paar Minibussen erst mal nach Lampang und dann dort in die weitere Umgebung.
Titel war: Northern Power
Besichtigt wurden u.a. Porzelanmanufaktur, Kachel-/ Fliessenfabrik, Bhumiphol-Staudamm und Wasserkraftwerk, Mae-Moh Kohlekraftwerk, Hot-Springs, etc....
Hier einige Photos dazu, nicht unbedingt in der richtigen Reihenfolge

Und der offizielle Bericht in Englisch:
Senior Mathayom Science Trip 2015
17 students from Mathayom 4 and 5 (Science Major), accompanied by 3 teachers went on a science discovery expedition to Northern Thailand. The 4 day 3 night trip was based in Lampang. The trip allowed students to experience science in17 students from Mathayom 4 and 5 (Science Major), accompanied by 3 teachers went on a science discovery expedition to Northern Thailand. The 4 day 3 night trip was based in Lampang. The trip allowed students to experience science in 17 students from Mathayom 4 and 5 (Science Major), accompanied by 3 teachers went on a science discovery expedition to Northern Thailand. The 4 day 3 night trip was based in Lampang. The trip allowed students to experience science in “Real World” applications as well as practical knowledge for energy generation projects.
A late afternoon visit to Cheason National Park allowed both students and teachers to relax in the natural hot spring powered spa or paddle in a cool fresh water stream.
30 June Day1: A morning flight from Udon to Chiang Mai was followed by a visit to the
Interceramic Company. Students got a feel for the processes and techniques for producing unique high quality products on an industrial scale.
1 July
Day 2:
An early morning drive to
Tak to visit Bhumibol Dam and its hydroelectric plant. The Dam is as beautiful as it is impressive. At the hydroelectric plant students were given an excellent presentation and a trip down into the bowels of the plant to see one of its eight turbines in operation. The water level in the dam ( only another one metre drop in level would stop the turbines) provided a vivid reminder of the current water shortage.
2 July Day 3: Mae Moh power plant. This power plant is fueled by a vast open cast lignite mine. Students were not only given an excellent tour of the plant to learn how it worked but also learned about all the environmental safety measures and checks the plant runs. There was an informative question and answer session for the students on the future of power generation in Thailand.
A late afternoon visit to Cheason National Park allowed both students and teachers to relax in the natural hot spring powered spa or paddle in a cool fresh water stream.
3 July Day 4; A return to Chiang Mai and the flight back home directly to KKC. Not forgetting anyone’s telephone!!!